These are our Weekends and Events for the 2019 Season
Opening Weekend
May 3-5, 2019

Welcome back to Hillside. The camp will open at 10 am on Friday, May 3rd.
This weekend will feature seeing old friends, making new ones, and raking lots and lots of leaves.
The Cafe will be open.
The MaN Store will be open select hours.
FRIDAY: Bonfire at 9 pm and music at Club Inferno. First hour of music is Country Western.
SATURDAY: On Saturday afternoon we are planning a get together at the Rec Hall with Hot Dogs and Beer from 1-3PM. Nothing formal just a time to get together.
Bonfire at 9 pm and music at Club Inferno. First hour of music is Country Western.
It’s May the 4th Be With You day, so we’re doing a Star Wars themed bonfire. Wear your best Star Wars, well, whatever.
Pajama Party
May 10-12, 201

2nd week of camp, and it may be warm, may be cold.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix will return on May 23rd.
FRIDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Wear your favorite PJ’s, Teddy Dolls, nightgowns, union suit or nothing at all to the bonfire on Saturday night. Who knows, there may even be prizes.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
It’s All Drag
May 17-19, 2019

As the great RuPaul once said, “It’s all drag honey”. Wear whatever makes you feel good. Uniform, dress, kilt, mu mu, burqua … even camouflage. Just be you.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix will return on May 23rd.
FRIDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Once again, Hillside will offer a clean up weekend event. Take this opportunity to discard those old “treasures” taking up room on your site. A dumpster and pick up rounds will be made available as you help us to beautify camp for the season.
Meatballs: The Party will take place on Saturday on Site 60 from 2-4 pm, and will feature food that is, you guessed it, round. Lots and lots of round food. Beer will be provided, and there will be bocce games.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Memorial Day
May 24-27, 2019

The official start of Summer is always a bang at Hillside.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Drag Bingo for a fun start to the weekend with your hostesses Mabel, Adora and Stephanie. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: The infamous Cumalot Party kicks off at 9 pm on their site.
Cumalot Presents “Twisted” Party
Weather be damned, Bad B-Grade Horror Movies be damned… Crazy TWISTED Adora be damned!
The Party MUST go on!
Bring your TWISTED selves to Cumalot on May 25th from 9-11pm and help us celebrate the kickoff for the 2019 camping season!
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Memorial Day Party and Stage Show “1920’s Hillside Flappers”. Party starts at 1:30 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
MONDAY: The first SUPER BINGO of the season kicks off at 1 pm at the rec hall. Guaranteed $100 50/50.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
TWO Bingo games this weekend. Drag Bingo at 7pm Friday night, and Super Bingo Monday at 1 pm, both at the Rec Hall.
Bears in the Hills 1
May 31-June 2, 2019

The bears are coming out to play.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Saturday afternoon will be the Jockstrap Pool Party & Contest from 2-4 pm.
Saturday night features a Toga Party Disco @ Club Inferno. Wear your toga proudly for a chance at a prize.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Hillside Pride
June 7-9, 2019

We are busting out in Pride. Decorate your sites with whatever makes you proud.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Our annual Pride Parade starting from the Village Circle. Assemble there by 1:15 pm. At the end will be a Pride Pool Party from 2-4 pm.
Saturday afternoon will be the Pride Games 2019 at the volleyball court behind the pool.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Leather Weekend 1
June 14-16, 2019

Leather Weekend 1 promises to be a kinky weekend. The theme for the weekend is Daddies & Boys, so for all of you Daddies out there, cum bring your boys, or you Boys, cum find your Daddy.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Caring Communities is offering FREE & CONFIDENTIAL HIV/STD Testing located in the building in front of the pool
Hillside Campgrounds is proud to welcome 2 internationally known instructors during this year’s Leather Weekend, June 14-16, 2019. South Florida’s Mr. Ramod 2013, Sir Kirk, will offer his well developed skill sets in various fetishes including rope bondage, flogging etc. A guest speaker and mentor on both the university and national circuits, he also hosts charity events throughout SoFl as well as Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS. Do not be surprised to find this professional Dom in South Florida or NYC where he divides his time and commitment to the Leather Community.
In addition we welcome William, a highly experienced and sought after leader in the fetish community. A flogging and paddling expert, he will conduct an in-depth exploration of the psychology and physics (weight X speed / position of a Sub) of this fetish. An instructor here and abroad, from Florida to Berlin, William exemplifies the individual who has the courage to leave his comfort zone and experience the depths of ecstasy.
All of the classes will be held up at the Rec Hall. If attending please plan to arrive on time. We ask that out of respect of those taking classes and the instructors as well. You can not join classes once they are in session.
Ropes 101 – 11:00 am-12:30 pm
Learn how to keep your prey securely and safely in place on the bed or dining room table.
Learn single and double column knots and it’s many fun uses.
Bring rope if you have 15-20 ft. Rope will be available at class also.
Flogging class – 1:00 pm-2:30 pm
In the S and M world, you can’t get any more basic than flogging. Imagine, you’re tied up, stripped to the waist. Your pants are pulled down around your ankles, legs spread, your bare butt exposed. The whip is dangled sensuously across your back. You master lightly touches your cock and asks, ‘Are you ready?’ Now imagine you’re in front of a room full of like-minded people. This class will cover skills, safety issues and zones, as well as types of floggers available and how to use them. Tops will learn basic flogging, and bottoms will leave with a smile on their faces. This is a hands-on and pants down, so be prepared to participate. Floggers will be available for class use, but feel free to bring your own.
Fisting 101 class – 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
From personal preparation (there is more than just cleaning out), to tips, anatomy,safety, setting the scene, and techniques that will help move you successfully from fantasy to reality. Discussion and demonstration followed by option participation….be certain your nails are carefully trimmed and/or your butt is clean if you want hands on.
SATURDAY: The annual Harness Party hosted by Harness Albany will take place Saturday June 15, 8-10 pm at site 353, old site 60.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Fantasy and Fetish 1
June 21-23, 2019

Always a big fun weekend, Fantasy weekends are your chance to let your hair (and underwear) down.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
The Men of Lavender Lane and friends will be hosting snacks and munchies, while the volunteers of the Memorial Gardens will be running the Duck Derby. Beer and root beer provided by the campground. While having great food and beverages, form a team and head over to the duck table to pick out your favorite ducks. Root for your ducks from the bridge as they head for a ride over the falls. $5 donation per duck with all proceeds to be donated to the Memorial Garden Fund.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Bears in the Hills 2
June 28-30, 2019

The bears and cubs are back for another frolic in the hills.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
The Hillside Art Festival returns on Saturday, 11am – 4pm. Wander down to the cafe for brunch, and take in the sights of the artwork at the Rec Hall. Contact Jimmy Lewis @ for info or to enter your artwork. IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT JIMMY BY FRIDAY, JUNE 21.
Saturday evening brings the LAST annual Purple Party @ 7:30 pm, sponsored by the men of Hillside Heights. Wear your best purple for a chance at prizes, and enjoy good food and good company. (Next year this party will have a Mardi Gras theme.)
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
July 4th Spectacular
July 4-7, 2019

July 4th is a BIG weekend at Hillside.
WEDNESDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
THURSDAY: JUST ADDED! July 4th Pool Party sponsored by Hillside Campground. Sun your patriotic buns at the pool from 1-3 pm. There will be hot dogs, beer, snacks and music.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
FRIDAY: Drag Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
The annual Debutante Party takes place Saturday on the Landing Strip at 5 pm. This year’s theme is Southern Charm.
The July 4th Stage Show will be Saturday @ 8:30 pm at the Rec Hall. If you sing, dance or do drag, bring your music to the rec hall at 12 noon to sign up for the show.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: SUPER BINGO kicks off at 1 pm at the rec hall. Guaranteed $100 50/50.
Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Wednesday for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Latin Weekend
July 12-14, 2019

It’s Hillside’s time to celebrate all things Latin.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall. In recognition of Latin Weekend, Friday Night Bingo will be called in Spanish with English translation. ¡Que te diviertas! Have fun!
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Caring Communities is offering FREE & CONFIDENTIAL HIV/STD Testing located in the building in front of the pool.
Our annual Volleyball Tournament on Saturday @ 10 am.
Stay cool and watch from the pool! There will be a Latin Pool Party with DJ Demetri at 12 noon. Tropical Punch (alcoholic) will be provided.
NEW TIME! NNS Clothing-Optional Social on Saturday from 3-6 pm at NNS.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
After Hours Party from 12:30 – 3am at Friend’s Landing, Mark & Robbie’s place.
Latin Pool Splash on Sunday at 1 pm. Sun your nuts, look at the sights, dance to great club music by DJ Demetri.
Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Country Western
July 19-21, 2019

Get out your boots, your cowboy hats, and your denim. It’s Country Western time at camp, with the FIRST EVER Landing Strip Party.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Country Themed Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Saturday afternoon will be the 1st Annual Landing Strip Party, 4-7 pm, featuring “International Food & Drink”.
Club Inferno will be spinning country tunes, along with your favorites.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Fantasy and Fetish 2
July 26-28, 2019

Fantasy weekends at Hillside are your chance to enjoy a “rules relaxed” weekend in the hills.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
An Evening of Song with Ruben Ramos, 8:30 pm at the Rec Hall (right after Bingo)
Bonfire & Club Inferno after the show.
Caring Communities is offering FREE & CONFIDENTIAL HIV/STD Testinglocated in the building in front of the pool.
The Annual Village People Party will be on Saturday from 1-3 pm in the Village Circle. Featuring a theme of “A Leather and Lace Christmas Story”, we’re bringing you a kinky Christmas in July. Wear your sexiest (or funniest) Christmas gear. Prizes for Best Santa; Best Ms. Claus, and Best Elf.
Photography by WF portraits (, models Damien thorn ( and VJ Alkis (
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
August 2-4, 2019

The first, and still the best. Welcome to the busiest weekend of the camping season – Illumination. It is time to show off your creativity and lighting skills to decorate your site and your men.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
See the Memorial Garden lit up in memory of our Hillside Family that are no longer with us. The beautiful display is produced by a dedicated group of volunteers that preserve the beauty of the Garden and keep the memories alive.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Saturday the camp will be busy with activity with everyone setting up their sites for the evening display. Get your site decorated in a theme using candle light, battery light and lots of bright colors.
Start lighting up your site and the luminary bags at 8:00 pm. Get your men all decorated and ready to walk around the camp as dark approaches at 8:30 pm. Meet at the bonfire and share your favorite sites.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Uniform Weekend
August 9-11, 2019

Yes, sir! Whatever uniform turns you on, you’ll likely see it this weekend.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Enjoy a Complimentary Bloody Mary with a full breakfast at The Cafe, 8am till noon.
WE SALUTE! Beer Bust 2-4 pm at the Rec Hall. Love a man in uniform? Wear your best, or come cheer on those who do. Music, Beer, Birch Beer and food at the Cafe.
Saturday evening brings the August Stage Show at 8:30 pm at the Rec Hall. If you sing, dance or do drag, bring your music to the rec hall at 12 noon to sign up for the show.
Bonfire & Club Inferno after the show.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Bears in the Hills 3
August 16-18, 2019

The Bears are back in camp. Third time’s the charm.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Friday night at 8:30 pm is the 10th Annual Big Deck Party at Bears Cum Inn on Smith Lane. Join all the bears at the huge Dick/Deck at Bears Cum Inn on Smith Lane. Munchies are welcome. No smoking on the deck, but dick smoking is encouraged.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Caring Communities is offering FREE & CONFIDENTIAL HIV/STD Testing located in the building in front of the pool.
Bear Rock Pool Party at the pool, 1-4 pm. Come enjoy rock music, beer and food by the Cafe.
Saturday evening is our annual Cabaret at the rec hall, 8pm. A night of live music showcasing Hillside’s talented performers, singers and musicians. Do you sing or play an instrument? If you’d like more information, or to get the music in advance, email Mike at Two Big Decks at
Bonfire & Club Inferno after the cabaret.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Fantasy and Fetish 3
August 23-25, 2019

Another weekend of rules relaxed fun in the hills.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Annual Mad Hatter Party, Smith Lane, 4-7 pm. Enjoy food, music and refreshments as you stroll Smith Lane and enjoy the varied hats and costumes. Wear your best creation and enter the contest.
2 Bears and a Mic Karaoke, with Mike Bear and JstaBear from 7pm till 10pm in the Rec Hall for a great time with your Hillside family. Bring your Cocktails , your Laughter, your Subtle Shade, and hear the Best Singers on the campgrounds. Over 200,000 songs available…Join us!!!!!!
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.

Cocktails by the Pool
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Bring a treat to share, wear your best summer frock or swimsuit, and mix up your favorite cocktail. Enjoy music, merriment and men at our poolside party. Frolic in the sun or chill in the shade….there’s fun for all!!
Labor Day Weekend
August 30 – September 2, 2019

The “unofficial” end of summer features 4 days of fun at Hillside.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Drag Bingo for a fun start to the weekend. 7 pm at the rec hall.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: The annual Crossroads Party takes place on Saturday afternoon. Food, drinks and hot men.
Saturday at 8:30 pm is the Labor Day Stage Show at the rec hall. If you sing, dance or do drag, bring your music to the rec hall at 12 noon to sign up for the show.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SUNDAY: Sunday at 1:30 pm gives us the afternoon Stage Show at the rec hall, Hooray for Hillywood. Come and meet some of your favorite actresses.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
MONDAY: The final Super Bingo of the season is on Monday at 1 pm in the rec hall.
Don’t need to leave camp early? Staying overnight? Hungry? Join your host Dennis for THE FINAL Pot Luck of the season at the Rec Hall @ 6pm. Bring an app, an entree, a dessert, rolls, drink, whatever you have to bring. And if you don’t have any food to bring, bring yourself. Donations are always welcome to pay for supplies.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Bingo at 7pm Friday night at the Rec Hall.
Pot Luck
Join your host Dennis for Pot Luck at the Rec Hall @ 6pm.
Furries & Pups Weekend
September 6-8, 2019

But we’re not acting like it’s the end of summer. Grab your pups, your handlers, your puppy bowls and leashes. Put on your best furry costume, and play with friends old and new. The sand volleyball court will be available for pens and play.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Final events are still being planned, so check back!
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
Masquerade Weekend
September 13-15, 2019

The return of a classic. Fall is in the air, and we’re ready to eat and dress up.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: The Annual Turkey Dinner takes place Saturday at 5 pm at the rec hall. This annual event is always a big draw, and seats are limited. Cocktails before dinner BYOB. $15 per ticket, tickets available from Bob Gibbons until Labor Day Monday.
The Final Masquerade Ball at the bonfire. Wear your best? cutest? sexiest? kinkiest? costume.
Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.
It’s All Drag 2
September 20-22, 2019

Ah, the nights are cooler, there’s a nip in the air. Or not. Either way, wear YOUR best “drag” to the bonfires.
THURSDAY: Fire + Flix 9pm at the rec hall.
FRIDAY: Bonfire & Club Inferno at 9 pm.
SATURDAY: Saturday night we are featuring the Flannel Show. Make it warm, make it sexy. Just make it Flannel.
Join Matthew & Neal at the Rec Hall on Thursday Nights for a movie and a bonfire at 9 pm.

Closing Weekend
September 27-29, 2019
Sorry, but yes this comes every season.
Time to say goodbye to Hillside for another season. Pot lucks are a great way to get rid of that extra food and liquor.